
30 minute live video session via Zoom.

If you are working on improving your art skills, you are a student considering art school, or you are about to submit samples for an internship or job in the creative field (fine art, illustration, animation), a strong portfolio of work is likely going to be a requirement. Share some of your best work with Ruby and she’ll provide constructive feedback on your strengths so you may build upon them, and specific areas of improvement to work on sharpening.

Ruby offers this review to help you push past your art insecurities and take immediate action to bring your skills to a new level. After experiencing that high school and college art departments lacked essential feedback that she didn’t receive until she joined the work force, Ruby shares industrial knowledge, resources, and assignment suggestions—information gained from working in various branches of fine art, graphic design, and animation/entertainment fields.

After your purchase, you will be contacted by email for scheduling.

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